
Sunday, September 4, 2011


I am so amped to share with you about a phone call I received last night.  A friend of mine phoned to talk with me about something I had done in 1980.  That was a long time ago.  Love does not keep a record.  Needless to say, I did not remember.  It is not that I do not love this man, it is just that I do what I can, when I can, and I expect nothing in return.  He told me that in 1980 his Mother had phoned me and asked for me to help him.  She had already invested in my life years before, so we had a RELATIONSHIP.  When she called, I answered.  I was able to bring her son to me.  But he went on to say that I had discussed the situation with my sister and she also gave.  She opened her home to not only this son, but also his buddy.  So, the two stayed with her and found a job.  This son stated that our actions were critical in redirecting his life.  He had been in a bad place in his life.  His Mother placed the call, he followed her direction, my sister and I acted on the call.  Today, he is in ministry.  I just raised my hands to my Lord and gave Him praise that He would include me in His plan for this young man.  As I listened to him on the phone, I knew that my God had worked all things for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28  NIV) (who have a RELATIONSHIP with Him). 
Do not misunderstand.  I have had missed opportunities in my life, this is just an opportunity that I acted on.  What a blessing that I did, that my sister did.  How many lives have been positively impacted from the little action that was taken.  Today, I ask God to open my eyes to opportunities He sends my way.  Sometimes I see them, sometimes I don't.  I recently learned of a missed opportunity.  A young lady shared with me a time in her life that she came to me and I turned her away.  At this point, I pray for this young lady that I did not help.  My God will also work this situation out to His glory.  At the time, I did what I thought I could do.  Pray with me for her, that my Father will give her peace and joy; that He will chase the demons from her.  Her name is not required.  God KNOWS her.
When we have a RELATIONSHIP with our Heavenly Father, we can boldly go before His throne and ask WHATEVER we will.  He is ABLE.  Praise God for His love.  In these last days, God is moving like never before.  Let us keep our hearts open for His call.  In the name of Jesus, I give you praise Father and I give you thanks for your immeasurable grace.  I am here, Lord, use me.

What are your thoughts?  You are invited to leave a comment.  No comment is published without review.

1 comment:

  1. I Thank God for what he has done in my life because of people intervening in situations that seem at the time impossible and later they realize what an impact they really had on that persons life. I just pray that I can always be open and ready to do GOD'S will and help whenever and whoever I can. Thank you Jesus for your blessings
