
Friday, December 13, 2013



   There must be a pop-off valve between my heart and my eyes.  Today my heart is crying and my eyes keep filling with tears.  I can't find my motivation.  The minutes and hours and days are passing without my participation.  I really need to focus, but how?  It is like running a marathon in zero gravity.  My Dad has died.

   Memories come to mind, still shots and videos filed away in my mind of times we shared.  Most of them are relatively recent memories of times I gave him something, or he gave me something. 

   I zero in on the Ten Commandments.  The first of the Commandments that show us how we are to treat mankind is the one which tells us to "honor our father and mother...." 

   Let me get back to the recent memories I have of my Dad:  He installed a storm door for me.  I helped him get a roof on his storage building when the hurricane destroyed it.  He was always coming to my house to help me with one thing or another that would break down.  I made cookies and took them to him and shared a cup of coffee with him.  It was a love affair.  I encouraged him when he was down and celebrated victories with him.  We plotted and planned and stood together against all kind of foes.  I loved him and spent time with him. 

   Every Sunday was our day.  We had a time set aside that I would call him at least on Sunday.  Sometimes we talked throughout the week but I still kept the date on Sunday.  Keep in mind that I am female and was not ALWAYS right on time.

   I share these memories with you to give you an insight into the beautiful relationship we can also have with our Heavenly Father.  The give and take is real.  The more you give, the more He gives.  He gives those things which are priceless.  You cannot out give my Father.

   Also, you don't have to be a "victim".  If you don't have an earthly Dad, you can certainly adopt one, regardless of your age.  There is someone looking for you, even if they don't realize they are.  You can honor God by honoring someone who has no child in this world.  If you have an ornery Dad, stop trying to make him into what you want him to be and accept him for who he is.  The relationship may be one-sided, but it will be worth it in the long run.  Relationships are of God, and the MOST precious relationship of all is the one you cultivate with your Heavenly Father.

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013



   I shared this post from Allen West on my facebook.  I do that so my "friends" can see what is going on in the world of politics. 
You'd think SecDef Hagel might be concerned about the fact the Army has only two combat-ready brigades. But he's more worked up about ID cards for same-sex National Guard couples. Unbelievable:

You'd think SecDef Hagel might be concerned about the fact the Army has only two combat-ready brigades. But he's more worked up about ID cards for same-sex National Guard couples. Unbelievable:

Here is the reaction from one of my "friends":

A letter to an ignorant person, if you don't like what I say in this. Fucking delete me! Please.

" It's ignorant cunts like you that are bringing down this country and the world. Unlike your kind, I don't believe in fairy tales. Your taking advice on how to live and be controlled from a 2000 year old comic book. Your "holy book" that dictates your life, is missing more information than the official 9/11 report. The Christian bible was mistranslated several times by governments that took power after it was stolen from a religion that was stolen from a religion that was based off of the Egyptian religion that derived from Sumerian religion. So stating that your comic book is divine and absolute is ignorant in itself. Explaining the unexplained with the unexplainable is idiocracy. Have you even read the book of Enoch, or are you so concerned with that one part of Leviticus. Have you ever worked on the sabbath, if so your book says you need to be pu...t to death. How about pork or catfish, ever eaten that? If so your god wants you to die. Because if you want to go off of that to say a man should not lay with another man, then most likely you are a bigger sinner than the homosexual. It's people like you that have drove me into my misanthropic beliefs. I wish one day everyone can live in peace, but until religion is dropped by the human race we will always have people like you looking down on people that have no choice who they love or who makes them happy to be with. Most of those people are too kind hearted and lovable to stand up and call people like you cunts, so I stand up for them. I don't have to prove to any bible thumper that I'm a good person, so I get the honor of reaming the assholes of bigots. So go ahead and tell me I'm going to hell, I'm not scared, because if all the gays go there, it'll be a hell of a lot more fabulous than your "heaven".
  Today, there is a post at, about Diane Feinstein admitting that Sharia Law is the end game for the Obama Administration.  The title of the post from December 2, 2013 is "Feinstein:  Jihadists Will Stop Hating the West Only When They Achieve Sharia Law.  The sad fact of the matter is that ignorance breeds ignorance.

Here is an excerpt.  You can read the rest of the article at Breitbart:

Feinstein: Jihadists Will Stop Hating the West Only When They Achieve Shariah Law

Yesterday was a red letter day--or perhaps it should be called an Islamic green letter one--for U.S. intelligence. For the first time I can recall, the top legislator on a congressional oversight committee actually made clear what motivates our enemies in what used to be called euphemistically the “War on Terror,” and what Team Obama now dubs even more opaquely as the effort to “counter violent extremism.”

This breakthrough came in the course of a joint appearance on CNN’s State of the Union by the chairpersons of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), respectively. The media seized on the ostensibly big news from their remarks: bipartisan agreement that the United States is at greater risk of terrorist attack today than two years ago.

    See, Christians love the sinner and point out the sin.  The sin could be adultery, homosexuality, lying, stealing, etc.  We are messengers, not the execution squad.  We believe that you can change your actions.  When I go to bed at night and I am black, and when I wake up in the morning and I am black, and all through out the day I am black, there is nothing I can do to change the fact that I am black.  But when I actively have sex with a child or the same gender or with someone other than my spouse, I have the opportunity to change my actions. 
   As a Christian, I do not live under The Law.  I live by Faith that my Savior has died for ALL of my sins.  I choose to modify my behavior, my actions to glorify my Father for His mercy in placing my sins on the alter of the cross, thus removing the penalty from me.  We believe there is only one sin that is "unpardonable", and we are not the ones to convict or execute.

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