
Sunday, September 22, 2019



1 Corinthians 10:13-14;
(13) No temptation has over taken you except what is common to mankind and God is faithful; he "will" not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
But when you are tempted he "will" also provide a way out so that "you can endure".
( 14) Therefor ,my dear friends flee from Idolatry.
I was talking to the Lord about all the families affected by the mass flooding in our East Texas areas and surrounding areas. I know that my heart goes out to all who are flooded beyond belief.
I ask God to protect your hearts from living in defeat of another disaster in your lives. I know that grief of loss can push some over to giving up their fight to push forward. I know many of you may feel like what's the use.
But Brothers and sisters lift your heads up to the father do not be tempted to be overcome by grief or worthlessness.
Lift up your hearts that the waters will recede and you can rebuild. lift up your eyes to the Lord, don't run to old bad habits and flee to the easier temptations.
I am a lady of many sorrows and I know loss, pain, and grief oh so well.
The Lord wants you all to know He is with you. Help is on the way!
I see an Army rising up this day to help you all. There is more Goodness to come. The worst is over. The Lord did not do the flooding .
Construction sites and your communities expansion of building took the vegetation away that would normally suck up the rain that has poured!!
God, is your ever present help!! He "will" help. He is right now!! So hold tight to what you have left and get ready to rise with the Lord's new provisions and resources. Those of you who feel you have loss everything, have only began to get everything back.
Keep Believing that the flood waters is just a situation not your destiny!!
I love you all and I am praying for you all this day in Jesus's name.
I encourage you all not to relapse into the temptation to give up!! 🙌🙌🙌🙏


Me:  Shellie, i shared your post, which is so timely. can i get your permission to post it to my Holy Bible study blog (

Shellie Searcy  Yes of course. Any of my post!!

Me:  thank you. it is very well written and, like i said, timely.

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