
Wednesday, December 7, 2011



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  (1)  Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, (2) just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of The Word.  (3)Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, (4) so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.  Life Application Study Bible  (NIV)


   Luke tells Jesus' story from Luke's unique perspective of a Gentile, a physician, and the first historian of the early church.   Though not an eyewitness of Jesus' ministry, Luke nevertheless is concerned that eyewitness accounts be preserved accurately and that the foundations of Christian belief be transmitted intact to the next generation.  In Luke's Gospel are many of Jesus' parables.  In addition, more than any other Gospel, it gives specific instances of Jesus' concern for women.

   There was a lot of interest in Jesus, and many people had written firsthand accounts about Him.  Luke may have used these accounts and all other available resources as material for an accurate and complete account of Jesus' life, teachings, and ministry.  Because truth was important to Luke, he relied heavily on eyewitness accounts.  Christianity doesn't say, "Close your eyes and believe," but rather, "Check it out for yourself."  The Bible encourages you to investigate its claims thoroughly (John 1:46; 21:24; Acts 17:11,12), BECAUSE YOUR CONCLUSION ABOUT JESUS IS A LIFE-AND-DEATH MATTER.

   Theophilus means "one who loves God." This preface may be a general dedication to all Christian readers.  Theophilus may have been Luke's patron who helped to finance the book's writing.  More likely, Theophilus was a Roman acquaintance of Luke's with a strong interest in the new Christian religion.

   As a medical doctor, Luke knew the importance of being thorough.  He used his skills in observation and analysis to thoroughly investigate the stories about Jesus.  His diagnosis?  The Gospel of Jesus is true!  You can read Luke's account of Jesus' life with confidence that it was written by a clear thinker and a thoughtful researcher.


  It is good to get back to the beginning.  Jesus.  Merry Christmas.

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