
Wednesday, December 28, 2011



   Oma has been out of work like so many others have been.  Oma's Significant Other (S.O.) came in and said, "here is an amount of money.  Take this and buy groceries to cook at your house for Christmas and enjoy some time with your family.  Your parents aren't getting any younger."  So, she took the money with gratitude, never asking for anything unless she had to.  She prayed that God would bless him for his generous heart.  He was always offering help.

   So, the first thing she did was buy gasoline for her truck to pick up her mother in.  They spent the first night together.  It was fun.  In the past, Mother had spent a lot of time with Oma, helping raise her children.  It was good to hear her snore once more.

   The next thing the money went for was to purchase two Christmas gifts for her S.O.  Not because he expected anything.  He meant it when he told her to spend the money on her and her family.  She bought the unexpected gifts because she wanted to.  It made her happy.  She anticipated his reaction, because she knew what gifts would put a smile on his face.

   As she purchased the second gift, she paused and smiled.  God had taught her another lesson.  She was learning a lot lately.  God said, "This is how you are to give back to me.  I give you work to make money.  I give you good health so you can work.  I expect you to JOYFULLY give Me the first fruits of your labor.  Think of Me.  Honor Me.  Love Me.  Anticipate the smile on My face when you tithe.  Is that too much to ask?  TEST ME IN THIS," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

   Thank you, Lord.  You first loved me and You first gave to me.  How can I not thank you for Your generosity. 

   If you don't regularly attend a church, please take advantage of the opportunity to tithe to this ministry, as you search for a church home.

You can also follow Oma at, where she will soon endorse a candidate for President of the United States of America,, where she will correct that horrible sugar cookie recipe and, where we will be posting a diet to loose weight soon. 

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