
Sunday, March 10, 2019


1 CORINTHIANS 13 1 - 3

photo courtesy of The Financial Express

   1) Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.  2) And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing.  3) And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me nothing.  King James Version (KJV) Public Domain  (the King James Version actually uses the work "charity" for the word "love", but love is the closest translation.)


   Let us look at the location of this thirteenth chapter of Corinthians:  between chapter 12, which speaks of spiritual gifts at length such as how we receive them, what they are, how they work together, etc.; chapter 14 speaks on how to use them.  Here in chapter 13, though, we have a discussion on a fruit of the spirit:  love.  When we walk in the Spirit, we activate the power from The Source of the gifts, which yield the fruit.  We bear no fruit unless we remain in The Vine.  Jesus said   "Abide in Me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me."  John 15: 4  New American Standard Bible

   This chapter describes the ultimate love: agape love, which is self giving, self sacrificing.  It has nothing to do with emotional attraction, but rather it has to do with selfless, humble, sometimes lowly service to others to meet their needs.  It is willful sacrifice in service to our enemy, also.  A great example of agape love when Jesus, Who is God Himself, took off his outer garments and washed the feet of His disciples.  We have other examples in our lives, such as how a true parent loves their child, no matter how the child behaves and no matter which road he takes;  Whether he is President or an inmate, a true parent sacrifices for their child. It is the same with a grown child and his parents.  Sometimes, you just have to give up your dreams and ambitions in service to your parents who are in failing health and unable to care for themselves.  Let me give a shout out here to Brenda T.!  Good job, Brenda!

Verse 1)  No matter how sweet my words or how well the delivery of my message, if I don't deliver it with love, I am just making noise.  This verse makes me think about Jonah, who was chosen to deliver a warning to Nineveh that God was about to destroy them for their sins.  He did not love the people in Nineveh, and ended up in the belly of a big fish.  My God is so wonderful, so merciful.  If you turn from your wicked ways, whether you are a single person or a town of 120,000 people, God is compassionate and is faithful to forgive you of your sins.  Hallelujah!  Do you know my God?  Click here to learn more:

Verse 2) Balaam was a prophet in the Old Testament, Numbers 22 - 24.  He knew God and His Word but he had no love for God except in a self serving way. He also had no love for God's people.  So, no matter what he said, even if it were true, he did not love God and it meant nothing.

Verse 3) To give in this verse refers to doling out small amounts of your fortune over a period of time.  Don't you know people who have "foundations" that "help the less fortunate"; people who are all about charity?  When you give for self-serving reasons and for self glory, you gain nothing spiritually.  Even if you put yourself in a situation to be martyred so you may gain favor in the next life you are spiritually bankrupt. 

   All action which seeks to glorify self rather than God leaves you nothing.  Dr. John MacArthur puts it this way:  "The loveless person produces nothing, is nothing, and gains nothing."  Love is everything.  If your actions are motivated by love and by promoting the Kingdom of God, you gain everything.

What are your thoughts?  You are encouraged to leave a comment and tell us what you think.  Also, if this post is a blessing to you, please share it on your favorite social media.  Thank you.

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