That being said, we have been praying for one of our own (our church members). He is two years old and was attacked by animals. He suffered massive damage BUT is in the hospital. The family has been very specific when asking for prayer for his healing: that the tissue be salvageable, that the nerve endings can be reconnected, etc. Our prayers have included the specific requests that they have made.
This morning, while having my coffee, contemplating on what is true, pure, lovely...on Kingdom things, I remembered to Whom I have been praying. This is The Creator of all things. He formed this baby wonderfully and fearfully in his mother's womb. I went to giving Him praise for His answer to our prayers, regardless of what that answer might be (all of the congregation is praying).
I believe the Holy Bible as it is written: Genesis 2: 7 says, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Do you take this verse at face value? Do you understand how intricate the human body is? how many individual systems work together for the whole? Do you believe He formed the respiratory system, then the muscular system, then the skeletal system. etc. or do you believe He gathered up some dirt and formed it in His image then breathed life into it?
I don't believe He pieced anything together as some of the commentaries say that I have read say. I believe as He thinks, so does He.
Which brings me to the point of my meditation: this baby's healing does not require God to fix one issue, then another, then another. If He chooses, He can simply think or speak and the baby will be healed, whole; as if the incident never happened, or He can choose something less amazing. We don't know why God allows Satan to attack us in various ways, but we DO know God loves us, He is in control, and He ALONE deserves our praise. Amen?
What are your thoughts? We welcome your feedback, whether you agree with this post or not. This is simply the way I believe. If you have not accepted the gift of salvation, please click here