
Monday, July 29, 2013



   God has been in the news lately, in case you missed it:  On Friday, July 26, 2013  retired archbishop of South Africa, Desmond Tutu,  stated "I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this." 

photo courtesy of Wikipedia
He made this statement during the United Nations' launch of its gay-rights program in Cape Town.  I don't know why the United Nations is launching a program in Cape Town, South Africa, but there it is.  Coming to a town in America soon.
   Also, the new Pope, Pope Francis
was questioned of how he would respond to learning that a cleric in his ranks was gay, though not sexually active.  He responded, "Who am I to judge a gay person of goodwill who seeks the Lord?"  You can't marginalize these people."  Then, he was quoted as saying, Pope John Paul II "definitively ...closed the door" to women priests.           WHAT?!?
  I praise my God that He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  I am sorry that humans don't necessarily agree with Him and would rather burn in Hell than spend eternity with my Holy God, who cannot look upon sin, whether fornication, adultery, homosexuality, murder, covetousness, or what ever!  My God does not blow as the political wind.  He is constant and I praise Him for it.
   So, let's look in His Word and see what He has to say about homosexuality:
   1) picking up the creation story in Genesis 2:20b  But for Adam no suitable helper was found. (21) So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man's ribs and then closed up the place with flesh.  (22) Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man.  (23) The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man."  (24) That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. (NIV)

   2)  If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination:  they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.  Leviticus 20:13 (KJV)

   3) The Pharisees asked Jesus:  "Moses allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce, and to put her away."  (5) But Jesus said to them, "For your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. (6) But from the beginning of creation, 'God made them male and female.' (7) 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, (8) and the two shall become one flesh.' So they are no longer two but one flesh.  (9) What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder."  Mark 10: 4-9

   The Genesis record, Leviticus, Mark, no where in the Bible does God, Jesus, the Prophets, nor the Apostles speak about the homosexual lifestyle in favorable terms.  In fact, "it is an abomination".  Synonyms of abomination are:  outrage, disgrace, scandal, eyesore, atrocity, horror.  One might say that God is not pleased with the act of homosexuality, nor does He promote it as He promotes marriage (one man, one woman). 

   So my point is that those who allegedly are in position of authority in a church which claims to worship The One True God should try reading The Bible before experiencing diarrhea of the mouth and showing everyone their ignorance.

   Let me close with this word of encouragement:  The penalty of sin is death, but know that when you accept the gift of salvation, that Jesus has paid the price of your sin.  The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11:  Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?  Be not deceived:  neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, (10) Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.  (11) AND SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU:  BUT ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the Name of The Lord Jesus, and by The Spirit of our God.  (King James Version, Public Domain)  HALLELUJAH! and AMEN!

   Do you know how to obtain this blessed assurance of having all of your sins washed away?  Click this link:

You are welcome to leave a comment with your thoughts.

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013



   What does it mean to "honor your father"?  I believe it means to respect him.  So, instead of talking about men today, let us focus on the respect.  The definition of respect, according to Webster, is "high or special regard".  The act of respecting your father brings to mind a cartoon from the early 1960's:  Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy.  Doggie Daddy was not always the brightest but Augie always gave him respect.  At least Doggie Daddy was with his son and was always doing his best.
   We were given 10 Commandments by the One True God.  How are we doing with them?  Can we even identify all 10 without help?  The ones which seem so simple are not easy to keep.  

What do you think?  You are welcomed to share with us how you observe any of them and how difficult you have found it to be.

You are also welcome to visit with Oma at,, and

Sunday, July 14, 2013


    King Nebuchadnezzar,
    To the peoples, nations and men of every language, who live in all the world:
    May you prosper greatly!
    (2) It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me.
    (3) How great are his signs,
              how mighty his wonders!
          His kingdom is an eternal kingdom;
              his dominion endures from generation to generation.
    (4) I, Nebuchadnezzar, was at home in my palace, contented and prosperous.  (5) I had a dream that made me afraid.  As I was lying in my bed, the images and visions that passed through my mind terrified me.  (6) So I commanded that all the wise men of Babylon be brought before me to interpret the dream for me.  (7) When the magicians, enchanters, astrologers and diviners came, I told them the dream, but they could not interpret it for me.  (8) Finally, Daniel came into my presence and I told him the dream.  (He is called Belteshazzar, after the name of my god, and the spirit of the holy gods is in him.)
   (9) I said, "Belteshazzar, chief of the magicians, I know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you, and no mystery is too difficult for you.  Here is my dream; interpret it for me.  (10) These are the visions I saw while lying in my bed:  I looked, and there before me stood a tree in the middle of the land.  Its height was enormous. 

image courtesy of

 (11) The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth.  (12) Its leaves were beautiful, its fruit abundant, and on it was food for all.  Under it the beasts of the field found shelter, and the birds of the air lived in its branches; from it every creature was fed.
   (13) "In the visions I saw while lying in my bed, I looked and there before me was a messenger, a holy one, coming down from heaven.  (14) He called in a loud voice: 'Cut down the tree and trim off its branches; strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit.  Let the animals flee from under it and the birds from its branches.  (15) But let the stump and its roots, bound with iron and bronze, remain in the ground, in the grass of the field.
   " ' Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven, and let him live with the animals among the plants of the earth.  (16) Let his mind be changed from that of a man and let him be given the mind of an animal, till seven times pass by for him.
   (17) " 'The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone He wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men.'
   (18)This is the dream that I, King Nebuchadnezzar, had.  Now, Belteshazzar, tell me what it means, for none of the wise men in my kingdom can interpret it for me.  But you can, because the spirit of the holy gods is in you."


      Although Nebuchadnezzar praised Daniel's God, he still did not believe on Him completely or submit to Him alone.  Many people attend church and use spiritual language, but they really don't believe on God or obey Him.  Profession doesn't always mean possession.  How do your beliefs match with your obedience?

  ( Me:  You remember in 1 Samuel 15:22 where Samuel told King Saul, "Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord?
   To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.   (23) For rebellion is like the sin of divination (the practice of using occult methods to gain secret knowledge of the future), and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.")

   One of the most difficult lessons to learn is that God is sovereign.  He is above all of those who are above us.  He limits the power and authority of all the government, business, and religious leaders in the world.  Those who live in freedom and with a relatively high degree of autonomy find this difficult to understand.  While we may feel as though we are free to do what we please, God is sovereign over all of our plans and desires. 

What are your thoughts?

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